December 14, 2011

Dodge Chargers

Last year at school we had to shoot photos to recreate a movie poster. I chose to do my own take on the "Fast and Furious" poster. For the assignment I had to shoot a car, this was the Dodge Charger.

I went back and found the images and decided to fix them up again because I lost the original edits. Here is how the turned out.

October 31, 2011

A day At The Zoo

this the picture that didnt work on the last post

A Day At The Zoo

I went to the zoo this summer and here are a few pictures i took.

This monkey was the only one in his cage and he had such a personality.

September 29, 2011

Portraits from the Wedding

Here are a few portraits i got while i was shooting my cousins wedding.

July 21, 2011

A Couple of Days at the Cottage

I spent the first few days of this week at the cottage and we had some crazy weather. It went from being sunny and beautiful to black clouds and lightning. Here are a few of the shots I took.

When the storm started I set my camera up for interval shooting so I could let it sit and it would do the work for me. I took 400 images and had 2 work out for me. This is the better of the 2.

This is the morning after the storm.

We woke up to the boat under water. And believe it not, there was actually a fish swimming around inside the boat when we started bailing it out.

May 23, 2011

Untitled 1

Here are a couple of images i took while at my girlfriends cottage

March 30, 2011

Final Portfolio

This is my final portfolio. What do you think?

March 17, 2011

My Puppy Dog

This is an image of my dog, Sampson, that I took back in the summer. I found it today while i was looking through my back-ups.

March 16, 2011

Creative Ad

Finished my creative ad, what do you think?

March 11, 2011

Shooting Creative Ad

One of the things that most people know me for is, my hats. I originally wanted to do an ad for a bike company or something bike related but after thinking it over and brain storming, we figured that I should shoot hats. So thats when I decided to do an ad for New Era, the hat company.

I brought all my hats into the studio and started to shoot them. I came to the conclusion that I would stick to a baseball theme and choose 3 of my favorite hats.

Here are some of my un-edited images.

Beauty Shots

Product Shots

I will put up my final ad some time next week when i am finished.

March 9, 2011

What a Sunset

Final open shot of my Portfolio. Turned out as good as I could have hoped.

Thank you Maegan for waiting in the cold with me for 2 hours to get the shot.:)

Snowy Saturday Night

While I was home at Christmas i shot a few things. One of those things was a portrait of my sister.

We were really bored one night and i had all my equipment around, so at 10:00 pm we decided it would be fun to go out side and take pictures.

We had fun and got some really good shots.

March 8, 2011

Magazine Cover

Finished another assignment.
thanks to Tom for being a great last minute model

February 25, 2011


I have been putting a lot of time into my website over the past couple of weeks. The finished site should be fully up and running but this week. Check it out for more galleries and a little more about me.

February 17, 2011

Another Assignment Down

Hey everybody, so for one of our assignments we had to either recreate or make a movie poster for an existing film. I chose to kinda recreate and make my own version of a fast and furious poster.

Check it out

January 19, 2011

A Night On The Town

A little while back me and a buddy of mine, Josh, went downtown ottawa to take some night/ long exposure photographs. Heres some of what I got before we got too cold and headed back inside.

January 7, 2011

For those blurry nights, And cold mornings.

After a stressful couple of weeks before portfolio, we decided to take a night off and have some fun. We took a ride out to liam's cottage. here are some pictures from that night.